Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What we eat and Top Ten

Most of the traditional items I eat at my Grandmas house is turkey(duh), cheesecake, black eyed peas, and stuffing yum, but my top food of the day is cheesecake.

1. no school of course
2. i get to travel
3. i get to see family i hardly ever do see
4. no work due to me being out of town
5. get to get away from this town
6. i get to stay out later
7. no school work except for anp
8. its a holiday
9. getting to chill with friends more.
10. and if you know me well you would know that i absolutely LOVE food so im pretty excited about getting to stuff my face. Woohoo!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Six People

1. My mom because she is always there for me when i really need her.

2. Shyla because she is the greatest friend anyone could ask for I LOVE YOU SHY SHY!

3. Chelsea AKA Penguin because she can always make me laugh Lots of Love penguin.

4. Ryan he is so sweet and caring Love You Lots!

5. My Grandpa Willy he is protective of me and when i'm not happy he will always find a way to make it right.

6. My grandma Vicky she is the most awesome grandma i have. if i need so money or help with anything she will always jump to the occasion.

Friday, November 7, 2008

What can i say?

I really don't have anything to blog about today. Kinda sad i know but you will get over it lol jk. I just got done taking this test for english that was pretty easy so im happy bout that. I am off this Saturday which is totally awesome and i really dont have any plans for it. but yeah thats all for now ttyl